Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mating Season

Is it because winter has reaches it's end, and spring is coming in full blossom or the facts that there are TWO new shopping complexes in Kuching? I actually found out that even in my garden, everything exist in a pair. Haha... curious? Well, let me descript the scenario.
At the back of my garden my dad plant some vegetables. On one fine day, "someone" just happen to walk to the garden looking at some vegetables to pluck. Guess what did "she" find out when "she" was inspecting the vegetables.....

Pairs and pairs of insects. Hmmm... "she" is not sure whether the things are bettles or just normal insects, but apparently it's THE time of the year....

Yes, you guess correctly. And apparently no matter what the disturbance (a pair of innocent big eyes looking at the scene, or wind blowing hard at them, or giant hands shaking the vege), no, they (the insects) won't budge at all. Apparently ENJOYING the spur of the moment very very very much....

Lucky Lady's finger, become the bed for the beetles...
I won't dare to eat the vege for meals...


JenJen's Place said...

Hi Hi,
nice pic!! Never know the beetle mate at certain time!

Anyway, you have a tag from me! Another one:P So check out my blog.

RaiNboW said...

I'm proud of the pic too. hehe...