I was reading CLEO magazine (August edition) last night. Then I came across an article on how to make money using blog. There is a few suggestion, and one of the suggestion is to make a wish list. Hopefully, your reader will buy one of the items on your wish list as a present for you. ;)
So, starting today, I will start a new post, which is under WISH LIST label. ^_^ Hopefully, (crossing my fingers) one of my reader will take the hint and buy it for me.
Today wish list is very simple. Perfume... Recently I'm addicted to perfume because of the DKNY apple design bottle. But fear not, I have no interest in those big bottle perfume. What I'm interested in is the 5ml or 7ml sample size bottle.
1) DKNY be delicious (W) EDP 7ml

2)Ralph Lauren Romance (W) EDP 7ml

Well, I guess it's only fair that I state my reason here for wanting to own the perfume. For DKNY perfume, I like apple design bottle. And it's small too, meaning it's CUTE. For Ralph Lauren perfume, it's the only perfume I ever want to have in my life. But because I know I'm a not a person who uses perfume all the time, so a 7ml will do.
guess what? In order to make your life easier, I even search for the site that sell miniature perfume. See how good I am. You should be happy to be my reader. haha... Ok, joking aside, here is the