Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My photos from EOE arrived!!

Remember this post where I talked about eoe online printing? Well, after uploading my 50 4R photos and 2 8R photos, after 3 working days (They really keep their promise), the parcel arrived.

The parcel

Inside it

My Bali 4R photos

And one of my 8R photo

I have to admit, the quality of the printing is very good, and the delivery is fast and convenient. I will definitely recommend this online photo printing to my friends and relatives. Thanks EOE!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A year older, a little wiser + prettier

Happy birthday to MYSELF!!!

I wish all my wishes come true.

Note to self: Work hard towards each of your goal. Never give up, enjoy life to the fullest.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

eoe online printing service

I first came across eoe online last year when my fellow bloggers were introducing this service at their blog. At first I was very skeptical about the offer and thus I do not bother to learn more. But after my fellow bloggers receive their free 50 4R photos then only I believe it.

Okay, now most of you will be wondering what is eoe? It's basically a virtual photo producing company. The only differences are

1) You DO NOT have to drive all the way to the shop to have your photos printed out.
2) You DO NOT have to linger around the shop for 30 min or maybe 50 min doing nothing while waiting for your photo to be produced.
3) You ONLY have to pay a fraction of what normal shop offers and have the photos delivered right to your door step WITHOUT stepping out from your home in the comfort of your air con room. A new technology call E-print!

eoe is currently having a promotion where a 4R print only costs you RM0.30 per piece and 5R at RM0.50. How economically it is. I printed out my Bali photo from a normal photo shop that cost me RM0.40 for ONE 4R print.

Besides that the lower unbelievable online print promotion, there's also no minimum quantity required and free delivery for purchase of RM35 and above!!

Besides that, there's promotion for the bloggers as well. Do a review on eoe Online and get 50x4R and 2x8R photo prints for Free! For more detail, check out HERE.

Pardon me now, because I need to start selecting my Bali, Bangkok, KK photos to be uploaded into eoe online. Yay, I'm so happy.....

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day 2010

The cake my sister in law ordered. Haha..

My ever hungry dad. Stuffing himself full when this photo was taken.

My very serious Grandpa posing for the photo. Haha..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Home & Living

Went to the Spring again last Saturday to watch a movie "The-A-Team". After that go around and so some window shopping. Then saw that the electronic shop is closed and replace by Home & Living. So, we decided to go in and take a look.

After walking around for 20 min, I decided to buy the following container. Hehe... It's approximately 5 inches tall with 6 small compartment, for you to put stuff.

And these are the stuffs I put inside my little crystal tower. Ground level: Anklet, 1st floor: bracelet, 2nd floor: Bracelet, 3rd floor: Pendant, 5th floor: Bracelet, Top floor: Rings. Hehe.. I love my new crystal tower.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My life


生为一个人,不管是男人或是女人,都必须对自己的人生负责任。人生只有那么一次。过分的依赖他人,不管对方是父母,男友,或密友,都说明了你是一个对自己不负责任,也给对方压力。 因为这个世界上,没有人要对另一个人的人生负责,除了你自己。也没有人可以为你的人生做决定,除了你自己。

在这个月底即将28岁的我,所领悟的道理:人生,是自己掌握的。快乐,不是别人给你的,而是自己的选择。人生何短暂,我们应该把握每一分每一秒,努力的充实自己,让自己随则岁月,越来越进步,生活越来越充实,越来越快乐。(Live life to the fullest)



女王 -> 女人,不管幾歲,不管有沒有男友,不管有沒有結婚,別忘了永遠都要不斷進步,努力提昇自己!(內在外在都要)



繼之前的「敗犬」一詞在日本、台灣非常熱門之後,最近我又聽到了一個新的名詞「朽女」,朽女的意思就是指一個女生在一段穩定的感情關係中,不再重視自己的 外表、懶得改變、忽略自己需求,因為穩定的關係而懶散,不再追求進步,變得枯萎沒有朝氣,而開始變成一位失去魅力的女人,從正妹變成一位「朽女」。


我相信許多女人都會有一個慣性,就是一段感情談久了,幾年過了,彼此都覺得對方是老夫老妻,不必像當初熱戀時期望去成為吸引對方的人,也少了熱情與浪漫, 越來越懶的結果,久而久之許多原本朝氣蓬勃、魅力四射的女人,變成了言語乏味的黃臉婆。原本會注重外表、懂得打扮的女人,也有可能因為戀愛久了覺得「打扮 已經不再重要」、「他是愛我的內在,所以外在不重要了」、「反正生活在一起再糟的一面都看過了,以後出門都素顏無所謂」、「我已經有男友了,所以不必擔心 啦」……,妳可以聽到很多女人會這麼安慰自己(甚至男友會安慰妳)。

更何況有許多男人會跟女友說:「妳不必打扮了,這樣就很好看了!」、「妳不要怕變胖,我覺得妳胖一點比較好看!」、「妳不用化妝,我比較喜歡素顏的女 生。」諸如此類的,其實都是男人善意的謊言,或者是男人自以為「他不重視」的地方。因為男人永遠不知道,那些他喜歡的廣告女星是不是真的素顏,看起來不是 刻意打扮的其實都是造型師的裝扮,他說喜歡妳胖一點,但是當他看到妳胖到肥肉滿溢,老實說他真會覺得有一點掃興。



於是當初為了對方會努力維持自己外貌的人放棄了,當初為了吸引對方而努力充實自己的人也放棄了,當初為了製造浪漫而精心安排的驚喜也放棄了,於是,約會時 妳不再會興奮的穿上高跟鞋、刷上睫毛膏,過夜時妳不再穿上可愛的睡衣和性感的內衣,和男友在一起時,妳不再撒嬌、耍耍可愛的脾氣,而是在他想吻妳的時候跟 他討論明天別忘了繳手機費...


不能因為沒有約會,就自暴自棄的放棄自己的外表,每天邋遢出門,因妳永遠不知道妳今天會不會遇到白馬王子。女人不能因為一段關係穩定,就可以理所當然的覺 得男友應該接受妳真實又醜陋的一切,因為老實說,男人一輩子都是視覺的動物,當妳放棄自己變成了「看起來比他老」的黃臉婆,當妳不再追求進步、充實自己, 當妳的生活重心只剩下她,卻失去了妳自己,當妳放任自己變成越來越沒有自信、魅力的女人......妳怎麼能要求男人一定要抱著「真愛」的匾額來愛妳不 變,而妳自己都不一定會喜歡妳自己了,要怎麼要求別人喜歡妳?

而且,我一直相信,女人的「戀愛運」影響女人的美麗。也就是說,談了一段很棒、很快樂的戀愛的女人,是會越來越美,變的愛美。當妳氣色好、心情好、有自 信,自然會讓自己變成美女。但是,如果一個女人談了一段很不開心、很悲慘的戀愛,她會越來越枯萎,每天哭喪著臉、像是烏雲罩頂一般,每個人看到她都感受的 出來「她心情真的很不好」,再怎麼美麗的女人,也會因為「愛不對人」而變的醜陋。



Monday, June 7, 2010

Shopping, bought dress from NICHII

Bought a new dress from nichii yesterday at The Spring together with a belt. Hehe.. Early birthday presents for myself. lalalalala~~~

Jean dress
Lacey belt

My shopping companion, Sharon is a "sun you". Always tempt me to buy a lot of stuff, saying "Eeeee, very cute ah", "Wah, looks nice", "Very fit oh" these type of comment. ~_~

Besides that, I bought a cute bangles together with an aerobic t-shirt. DD had been asking me, buy that shirt, when are you going aerobic. Lols... I told her NOT SURE YET.

Last but not least, my lunch yesterday at the spring, top floor. I think the shop is call LOP. Comment: Soup too few, but beef very tender.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My dream last night

I had a funny dream last night. Let me starts my story telling...

I actually dreamt that I was pregnant last night. Crazy or not? And I was shocked in my dream. I count count, I was pregnant around 3 months like that, meaning I will be having a baby by Nov or Dec, which is end of the year, which is always what I wanted if I ever have a baby. So that my baby will be the youngest one of that year. However, I do not understand why I miss two cycle of my period and I dunno it. Then I try to recall back, how come I can get pregnant if I did not have that "act" at all?

Then I think, “Cham lor, how do I explain to my bf I got pregnant if the baby is not his?” Then I try to recall desperately, even though I don’t have sex, maybe somehow those little tadpole manage to find it’s way into me. Or am I the second Virgin Mary?

And that was the time I woke up, and I was still desperately thinking, then suddenly recall I just had period, meaning I’m not actually pregnant, then only I realize me being pregnant is actually just a dream, not a reality. Phew~

Tell you, it's really a very weird dream. Then what did I do? I go and google what does this dream mean. Hehe... and the following is the abstract i copy from a website.


To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.

To dream that you are pregnant with the baby dying inside of you suggests that a project you had put a lot of effort into is falling apart and slowly deteriorating. Nothing works out the way you want it to.

If you are really pregnant and having this dream, then it represents your anxieties about the pregnancy. Women in the first trimester of their pregnancy tend to dream of tiny creatures, fuzzy animals, flowers, fruit and water. In the second trimester, dreams will reflect your anxieties about being a good mother and concerns about possible complications with the birth.

Dreams of giving birth to a non-human baby are also common during this period of the pregnancy. Finally, in the third trimester, dreams consists of your own mother. As your body changes and grows, dreams of whales, elephants and dinosaurs and other larger animals may also start appearing at this stage.

If you are afraid of being pregnant, you may dream of it often. At times, women learn about their pregnancy in their dreams. Your mind knows about everything that is going on in your body even if you are not consciously aware of it. However, don't panic! You could also be pregnant with ideas! Old dream interpretation books say that a dream about pregnancy is a good omen for women, and an improvement in her intimate relationship is forthcoming. For a man, it is a warning against casual sex.

Dreaming about pregnancies is quite common for a woman, and it usually reflects her fears about the pregnancy. In all other cases a pregnancy is a symbol of new ideas, new feelings, talents, behaviors that need some attention. If you dream of being pregnant, it means that you need to put your new ideas into action. Seeing a pregnant woman indicates that creative ideas and plans will begin to take shape.

Alternative interpretations:

If physically pregnant, then it most often refers to this, and the fears, hopes, attitudes, desires, ideas and physical condition regarding it. It can also symbolize the development of some new approach to life, new outlet of expression, or new faculty. If you are pregnant, don't be too worried by anxiety dreams about the baby. Virtually all women have them. Only get worried if they persist. A scan can quickly see if you are anxious or intuitive.

Dreaming of being pregnant may indicate incubating a new project, relationship or cycle within

Manifesting your desires

A guidance dream heralding an actual pregnancy

A desire to be pregnant

New life. Creative. Inventive. Prepared to produce something.

Pregnancy - If the dreamer is a woman and you dream you are pregnant then you will see a big increase in your income, but if you are unwed and sad you will experience losses. For a man to dream that he is the father of the child he is warned about indiscriminate sexual relations and one night stands.

Well, guess it's just a dream....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kota Kinabalu Trip Day 4

Last day at KK. Breakfast at Burger King. Then check out from the hotel, use the rented car and drive all the way to Tanjung Aru to have coconut drink. Haha...

Head up to KKIA Terminal 1. And with that marked the end of my KK trip. Phew~ Finally it's done.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kota Kinabalu Trip Day 3

Finally, my Kota Kinabalu Day 3 post is out, after 2 months. So sorry about that. Okay, let's start the story telling.

First, having breakfast at Gaya Street in a restaurant call Fong Ip. After a hearty breakfast, went and explore the sunday market at Gaya Street. Malaysia weather is really really hot, even with short pants but still you can sweat through the whole trip. In the end I cannot tahan the hot sunray and bought myself a cap, which follow with me go to Bali as well. haha..

Below are some of the photos taken at Gaya Street.

Bought some souvenirs from Gaya street and some other bling bling as well. Oh ya, I really do like the turtle key chain I bought from there. But too bad I finish giving it out.

Next, walk back to hotel to "claim" our rental car, theeeeeeee Proton Waja. haha....

1518, try buy Toto or 4D or Magnum. If kena, just chia me eat Ice Kacang enough liao.

View along the way to 1 Borneo

Saw some government building, however I have no idea what the above building is. Anyone, can help?

At the small jetty at the Sabah university. Give me a minute, let me recall the university name...... Err, I think it's call UMS, University of Malaysia Sabah?

Then go SHOPPING at 1Borneo. Yahoo!! Photo taken at the entrance of 1 Borneo.

Then drive all the way to Shangri-La's resort to watch sunset.

Then drive all the way back to KK. Oh ya, before that, when we are on our way to Shangri-La's resort, we actually get lost a few times, causing us to miss a significant of our sunset viewing. Such a pity. The weather is so beautiful that day. Night time we went and have dinner at a Japanese restaurant.

And with that, it marked the end of Day 3 at KK.