Decided last minute last Friday to take half day off today to meet up with Jen. Yup, the bubbly Jen is back to Kuching for a short holiday. Left office together with DD at 12.30pm and met up with RK, SK and Jen at Mr. Ho restaurant at Crowne Square.
The above are foods that we ordered. After sitting at Mr. Ho for nearly 2 hours plus (eating, chatting, laughing), we changed place and go to Starbucks at Jalan Song.
Hehe... Didn't manage to snap any picture. =P But anyway, it's nice to meet up with old friend. However, I have to forfeit my challenge yesterday since I'm spending quite a lot of money in one day. But the plus part is that I manage to HUG Jen. WooHoo!!!!!! So so happy...
che! That Jen! Suppose to meet up with her last Fri too, but she didnt response. Must tell her to stay longer in Kch next time!!
Rose, sure. Will ensure she stay longer in Kuching to meet up with all of us before she go back. ;)
ALAMAK...seems I need to apologise to Rose once more..SORI!!!!!!
Jul,thanks for taking leave to meet me!! MUCKS!!!! It was nice hugging you too!
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